Benefits of ABA Therapy: 4 Benefits You Should Know

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February 22, 2022

There are many benefits of ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapy, including but not limited to: improved social skills, communication skills, independent living, reduced maladaptive behaviors, and better life satisfaction for children and their families. ABA therapy consists of approaches and interventions that employ positive reinforcement to teach new abilities, improve a variety of existing skills, and reduce maladaptive behaviors for children with autism.

The benefits of ABA therapy with children with autism

Some benefits of ABA therapy are as follows:

  • Improved social skill development

Autism can affect children's social abilities, making it more difficult for them to establish and maintain social relationships. ABA therapy works to teach children how to build relationships with others, whether through establishing speaker orientation, waiting their turn, sharing toys, initiating discussions, or detecting and reacting to verbal and non-verbal social cues. 

Improved social skills can help children with autism make new friends and can allow them to enjoy playdates or sleepovers. 

  • Better parenting

Parenting a child with autism can require a greater awareness of a child's behaviors and actions, particularly when they are distressed and unable to express themselves. Because ABA is a highly flexible approach, a therapist will design a comprehensive care plan that corresponds to a child's developmental goals. Becoming actively engaged in this strategy and using ABA-based approaches that are tailored to a child's needs can be immensely empowering for parents.

  • Improved independent living

Children on the spectrum may require assistance in establishing essential life skills. The ABA development plan addresses activities such as brushing teeth and hair, using the toilet, getting dressed, sleeping throughout the night, as well as other self-care and grooming activities. Using expert analysis and data, therapists note behavioral trends and create tailored interventions to encourage desirable behaviors as a part of therapy. Subsequently, a child's ability to follow directions improves and becomes more autonomous.

  • Enhances life satisfaction levels

The brilliance of a well-designed ABA program surfaces with noticeable changes in your child's abilities and behaviors, including accomplishments you never believed possible before therapy. These changes help dispel low expectations from others involved in your child’s care, such as educators, relatives, or other professionals. 

ABA therapy enables you to raise the bar, recognize your child's full potential, and prepare them for a successful life. Furthermore, because of this enhanced quality of life, the child's increased functionality and autonomy enables them to feel more powerful and content.

As an evidence-based intervention, ABA relies on empirical research and a therapeutic foundation to support the effectiveness of tactics used, offering the real skills they need to accomplish many of life's activities independently. These courses have allowed children to make friendships, take care of their own body, study freely, and actively participate in their communities.

What are the rewards of ABA therapy for children?

The following are some of the most prevalent learning outcomes in ABA programs:

  1. Language receptive skills

This is a measure of your child's ability to comprehend language and respond to requests such as  “bring me the yellow truck,” “touch your nose,” “turn the textbook to page 10,” and so on.

  1. Language expressive skills

ABA therapy aids in the development of spoken language abilities. Your child will be able to mimic sounds, words, and phrases and also learn how to pronounce the names of many objects, animals, and other items. 

  1. Communication skills within a social setting

Your child's social language abilities indicate how well they can communicate with others through words and phrases. Some instances include making basic inquiries, requesting someone to join them in an activity, or exchanging toys with a buddy.

  1. Self-help techniques

Your child will be able to use the restroom, eat, drink, and clothe themselves independently with greater self-help skills. 

  1. Academic competencies

Properly participating in school activities is important. Your child will learn skills like waiting for their turn during an activity, asking questions, and transitioning from one activity to another.

  1. Reduce challenging behaviors

Biting, kicking, yelling, throwing, and disobeying directions are examples of challenging behaviors that make it difficult for children to socialize. ABA therapy assists in the development of these behaviors.

ABA strategies: What are they and how do they work?

Therapists can apply ABA in a variety of different ways: 

  • Discrete trial training

Lovaas' method of discrete trial training breaks down lectures into manageable tasks. The child is awarded positive reinforcement for correct behavior during each activity.

  • Early start denver model

This therapy combines play and joint exercises to help children with linguistic, cognitive, and social abilities. It is appropriate for children aged 12 to 48 months.

  • Pivotal Response Training

The major objectives of pivotal response training are for children to initiate dialogues with others, boost their drive to learn, and keep track of their conduct.

  • Early intensive behavioral intervention

This therapy helps children develop good conduct while reducing maladaptive behavior through one-on-one sessions with a qualified therapist.

Philosophy and techniques of ABA

ABA therapists employ several techniques: some are led by the instructor, while others are led by the individual. Parents, family members, and caregivers receive training so that they can help their children generalize their new skills. Throughout the sessions, the child will have several opportunities to acquire and practice new abilities during both intended and unintended circumstances. For example, someone learning to say "hello" to others may have the opportunity to practice this ability in the classroom with their instructor and on the playground during recess. A child obtains positive feedback for demonstrating certain abilities and actions. 

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a family-centered therapy that involves parents at every stage. Following the evaluation phase, parents consult with therapists and discuss care strategies for their child. Therapy begins only when the family has given approval to all proposed activities for their child. 

At Songbird, we put children and families first by providing innovative in-home ABA therapy programs for better results. Songbird's best-in-class therapists design care plans based on your child's strengths, interests, and goals to help your child succeed and grow.